Congratulations On Your New Business!
We know You’ll Do Great & Make Lots Of Money With It, But How Would You Like To Add These Special Upgrades To It & Speed Things Up A Little …
* Let Someone Else Do Everything For You!
* Instantly Add 5 New Streams of 100% Done For You Passive Income!
* Get A New (Fully Automated) Bonus Business Every Month!
* Get An Instant $100 Credit For The Business You Just Purchased!
* And Much More!
We all want to get from point A to point B and start making money online! The only question is how Fast & Easy do we want to get there?
Your new business is Phenomenal and can make you Easy Money! This is just your chance to supplement that business so you can make even More Money, Faster & Easier! Besides the benefit of Instantly adding 4 Additional (100% Done For You) Income Streams, you may be thinking; what could be easier than Making Money by giving away something for FREE!?
The answer; $1,000 CASH!
And It Gets Even Better …
How You Can Make Your GREAT Business Even Better!
Both business require No Special Skills, Knowledge, or Personal Selling. Both come with Free Advertising so you have NO Expenses. Both generate Ongoing Passive Income so you can be Making Money 24/7 while you’re off enjoying life! Wow, how could any sane person ask for more?
Well, here are 4 things you may want to consider adding to your business with this Optional Upgrade to … Yes, get even More! Think of it like your business has grown, expanded, and improved over the past year (becoming even better) except you don’t have to wait an entire year to enjoy those benefits and extras – you get them all TODAY!
#1. Hundreds Of Highly Intelligent, Highly Motivated, Tech Savvy Individuals To Do Everything & Make The Money For You!
Of course, the easiest way to make money Online is to let someone else (Affiliates) do it for you! The question is; How do you get hundreds of Young, High Tech Affiliates motivated to do 100% of the work for you?
It’s simple, give them everything they need (Over $5,000 of Online Money Making Tools) to get started, including a $1,000 CASH Signup Bonus! That’s a step above Free, isn’t it?
This “Better than Free” offer makes it Super Easy for you get an Army of other people to do everything for you! All you do is use our Free Advertising to give them the Signup Link & we take care of everything else – all at No cost to you! We’ll provide the $1,000 Cash Bonus, along with the other $1,000+ worth of items they’ll need to start making YOU money the same day!
#2. Four (4) New Income Streams – All 100% Done For You!
All 4 Income Streams are 100% Passive which means the Money is generated for you automatically without you having to do anything! Let’s explain each one individually so you’ll know exactly how they work!
In addition to the 4 Brand New Income Streams, we’re going to Turbo Charge Your Existing $50 Cash Bonus which comes from your current
business because as soon as your Affiliate signs up to get their $5,000+ Treasure Chest of Goodies to start Making Money Online, they’ll instantly be signed up for your current Free Offer automatically which generates a $50 Cash Bonus for you right out of the gate so it’s a nice way to Turbo Charge the income from your current business!
Now onto the New Stuff …
New Income Stream #1. $298.00/Sale! As mentioned earlier, Online Courses have become a $1 Billion Dollar Per Day Business! Now that you have Affiliates to do all the work for you, we’ll provide them with over 1,000 completed Audio/Video Online Courses that they can start selling immediately! No action is required from you and you receive $298.00 for each and every sale! These courses have a huge market of customers because the variety covers just about every aspect in life such as …
* Affiliate Marketing
* Animals
* Business
* Children
* Computers
* Crafts & Hobbies
* Education
* Food, Cooking & Diets
* Gardening
* Health
* House & Home
* Internet
* Love & Romance
* Mobile
* Money & Finance
* Psychology
* Relationships
* Sports & Outdoors
* Technology
* Travel
* And More – Something For Everyone!
New Income Stream #2. $27/Sale! People nowadays are doing away with paperback books and opting for digital formats, and for good reasons. It’s a $15+ Billion Market and your Affiliates will have a vast library of over 1 Million digital books covering a wide range of topics including Classic Novels that they can sell to the masses! In addition, they’ll have over 10 Million articles and reports that they can use in their sales funnels as bonuses and free incentives to increase sales. They can also Sell these to other companies to use in their Online Sales offers. No action is required from you and you receive $27 for every sale!
New Income Stream #3. 75% Commissions (Average Income $149/Sale)! Your Affiliates will receive another Online Business (one of a Technical Nature in a $214 Billion Market that is growing exponentially) which sells Software Creation, Video Production, YouTube Automation, Website Design and Construction, Voice Overlays, along with other high tech / AI products which are also used by Sony, Verizon, Coca-Cola, Tesla, and other top companies! Prices will vary and you receive 75% of each and every sale made by Affiliates. The average Income you receive is $149 per sale, and of course, No action is required from you!
New Income Stream #4. 50% Lifetime Royalties (Average Monthly Income Is $79 For Each 2nd Tier Affiliate)! We pay your Affiliates to signup other Affiliates creating a 2nd Tier of Affiliates working & generating another 100% Passive Income Stream for you! You receive 50% of everything these 2nd Tier Affiliates sell which is paid to you monthly and averages $79 for each and every 2nd Tier Affiliate. Again, No action is required from you!
#3. $100 Signup Bonus To Completely Pays For The Business You Just Acquired!
This Affiliate Building Business is usually available for a steal at just $195 but if you decide to add these Upgrades to make your new Fantastic Business even better, you’ll get this immediate $100 Signup Bonus to get everything for just $95! That’s a ridiculously small amount for what you’re getting in return!
Think about what $95 would get you in a traditional business like a Restaurant, Repair Shop, Landscape Business, Dry, Cleaners, Flower Shop, or any other brick and mortar type businesses? How far do you think $95 would get you on the building you’ll need? The utilities you’ll need? The inventory you’ll need? The employees you’ll need? You’ll need 6 figures to just to get started then it’s up to you to start making sales! Even with a typical Online Businesses, $95 won’t get you far because you still need equipment, a website, advertising, something to sell, and that’s not even counting the Skills & Knowledge you need to make it work! With this Upgrade Business, if you can simply give away something worth over $5,000 absolutely Free then you can forget about all the other crap because your Affiliates will take over from there and do everything for you!
#4. A New Online Business Every Month With 75% Profits!
To keep your Affiliates Happy, Motivated, and Productive so the Money Continues to flow in non-stop, we’ll supply them with a new, 100% Turnkey Online Business that they can start using immediately to generate additional Passive Income for you! Sales will vary depending on the products sold, but you receive 75% of all profits generated from these ongoing businesses!
To keep your business as Automated as possible, these New Monthly Businesses are supplied to your Affiliates so they can do all the work and generate the 75% profits for you as 100% Passive Income so as usual, No action is required from you! This will continue to add New, Additional 100% Passive Income Streams for you! Many of these New Monthly Businesses will be technical in nature so you’ll want to let all your Smart, Creative, Tech Savvy Affiliates deal with it anyway.
In Addition to all these tools your Affiliates will receive Completely Free to start earning you 100% Passive Income, we’ll also provide them with extensive Online Marketing Training to help them get off to a super fast and super successful start so they can be generating Income the very same day they signup to get their $5,000+ Treasure Chest of Online Money Making Tools!
Zero Expenses! Just like your current business, you’ll have absolutely Zero Expenses with your new Affiliate Building Business! We’ll take care of the monthly hosting costs, server costs, maintenance, and upkeep for your Website. We also take care of the entire $5,000+ fulfillment expenses, including the $1,000 Cash Signup Bonus for your Affiliates so you pay nothing! We also pay for all Online Courses and other Products sold by your Affiliates so nothing comes out of your profits!
No Advertising Expenses! We’ll provide you with 100% Free Advertising both Online and Offline. Online Advertising will consists of Emails, Banner Ads, and Social Media to make it easy for your Affiliates to signup Online. You simply Copy & Paste the Online ads we provide for you so it only takes about 5 minutes to set them up and then you’re done! It’s a Set It & Forget It situation because once they’re setup, these ads can be signing up Affiliates for your 24/7/365 while your off enjoying yourself!
You’ll also get Free Offline Advertising through our special Free Direct Mail program which includes Cards, Postcards, Flyers, Sales Letters (just like the letter you received) and Links delivered by the US Post Office. The Minimum mailing through this program is 2,000 envelopes and we take care of everything so you’ll never touch an envelope or pay for Postage, Printing – anything! That saves you over $1,300 in Postage alone for the Minimum 2,000 envelopes, and Mailings go all the way up to 50,000 envelopes! Direct Mail is like having thousands of little Sales People out there signing up Affiliates for you Absolutely Free!
Complete Automation For The Laptop Lifestyle! Again, just like your current business, this business is so easy because of the complete automation that anyone can do it. It doesn’t matter your age, health, financial situation, education, where you live or any other factor (or excuse) that normally stands in the way of people achieving financial freedom! After you use our Free and Proven materials to get the word out about your $5,000+ Free Giveaway (Online or Offline and never having to speak to anyone) your business completely runs itself and you have others making all the sales and money for you!
Today’s younger generation has grown up with all this technology so they are highly tech savvy, and the vast majority of them want to use that technology to live the Laptop Lifestyle! It gives them the freedom to work Online from anywhere in the world so they can make money while they travel and explore which they love to do. They don’t want to be confined to an office, fight traffic, or answer to a grumpy boss!
These are the people who will be Making the Money for You (young, tech savvy, and full of energy) because we will be giving them all the tools they need (over $5,000 worth) to instantly enter the Laptop Lifestyle with multiple Online Businesses which generates Income for you without requiring any of your time or attention – 100% done for you Passive Income!
Making Money Won’t Get Any Easier Than This!
Giving away well over $5,000 worth of Online Money Making Tools to Young, Tech Savvy individuals who are chomping at the bits to have an Online Business of their own and live the Laptop Lifestyle (which only takes a few minutes per day) is even Easier (and more Profitable) than giving away something for Free!
The choice is simple and it could even be one of the easiest decisions you’ll ever face in life. The choice to live your dream by owning a business where all you do is provide a $5,000+ Free giveaway so you can have an army of other people generating all the income for you by selling a huge number of products and services that provide you with 4+ extra streams of 100% done for you Passive income!
The products your Affiliates will be selling for you Save People Money and Improve Their Lives, Their Health, Their Relationships, their Family, Their Business, Their Finances, and Much More! Solve their problems, Entertain them, and the list just keeps going!
100% Guaranteed Or Your Money Back!
Just like your current business, everything is Completely Guaranteed! Try your new Affiliate Building Business for a full 30 days before making your final decision. You can have Affiliates generating an Income for you on Day 1, but we want to give you plenty of time so you don’t feel rushed. We want you to feel completely comfortable so your decision to get started today is not a hard committed “Yes!” (like you were getting married or something) but just an “Okay, I’ll try it so I can see for myself” decision. Since we’ll spend a lot of time and money getting you started, all we ask is that you use the Free tools we provide you with in order to signup Free Affiliates who will then generate all the Income for you! Starting the business requires no additional investment or special skills so anyone can do it – leave the technical stuff and sales up to us and your Affiliates. If after starting the business, you’re not absolutely thrilled with it, simply let us know and we’ll promptly provide you with a full, 100% refund. You want an Easy Business that Makes Real Money & we want Real People who are serious about starting a business and not simply change their mind without doing anything with the opportunities before them. If you think that’s a fair deal then go ahead and click the button below to get started – but first, check out the Free Bonuses we have for you!
Please Note: Your order will be processed by our Affiliate Company G4M LLC
For people not born into the Tech Era, and are rightly confused by most (or ALL) of it, and realize the best way to capitalize on the huge amounts of money that Technology is producing (Kids are Making Millions!) is to give the Tech Generation the tools they need and let them make the money for us, and are ready to make it happen for them today, we have the following Fast Start Bonuses for you!
Fast Start Bonus #1! $100 Signup Bonus. As mentioned earlier, this completely pays for the business you just acquired, and to make it even better! When checking out, simply enter the following in the Coupon Code: 100
Fast Start Bonus #2! Facebook Unlock to Share Viral Loop! Most likely, every single one of your Affiliates will be heavy Facebook users. With this tool that we’ll provide in their Paid Referral Program (Your 100% Done For You Income Stream #4 which gives you 2nd Tier Affiliates) your Website will automatically be shared to everyone of their friends on Facebook giving you automated Free advertising which can reach thousands of people!
Fast Start Bonus #3! Upsell Add-On’s that your Affiliates can use to increase Sales & Your Income at the same time! These are great for Customers! You’ve probably seen these before so when customers place their order, they’re offered additional products/services that can compliment what they just purchased! It’s a win/win situation because it gives the customer added value to their order and increases your Income at the same time!
Please Note: Your order will be processed by our Affiliate Company G4M LLC
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