Commonly Asked Questions & Answers
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Question: What Steps Should I Take To Get My New Affiliate Brokers Business Making Money?
Answer: We will take care of all the day to day activities of your business reader so you don’t have to concern yourself with them, such as Order Processing, Order Fulfillment, Customer Service, etc. so there’s really only one step you need to take to start making money.
Step 1: Use any of the Advertising options (practically all are Free and require nothing special to use) to share your website with others so they can take advantage of the offer to own an Affiliate Building Business and have others make the money for them. These are the same Advertising options we use as a company, and the demand for the Affiliate Building Business is huge!
Question: How Does The Free Direct Mail Program Work?
ANSWER: We use a Program called “Piggyback Mailing” reader to get Your Advertising for Free! If you haven’t heard of this, you’ve probably seen it in the past without even realizing it. Companies will “Share” the cost of the Mailing, by including advertisements for other companies along with their own. These are non-competing companies so their advertisements don’t conflict with each other, and the costs are reduced for each company so it’s a Win/Win situation.
One of the best features about this Direct Mail program is that the mailing lists are all targeted to people who have shown interest in starting an Online business so you’ll have the perfect audience for your offer.
A Division of our company sells High Quality Mailing Lists that specialize in Business Opportunities and are some of the most sought after in the Industry. We have Mailing Lists that include Hundreds of Thousands of individuals that are interested in starting a Business. Companies that offer Business Opportunities pay the Industry Standard Price of $100 per 1,000 names. Sure, you can find cheaper lists reader, but they’re no good, and Companies that send out regular Mailings know this so they don’t buy the cheap ones.
Getting Customers is easy because the Customers come to you reader. When these companies send you their Business Opportunity offers in the Mail, you simply return a Brochure to them (the Brochure will include a price list for the Mailing Lists and an easy way for them to order Online or Offline)!
The minimum order is 1,000 names and we double that order for Free in exchange for the Company sending out an advertisement for Your Business in their Mailing. It doesn’t increase their Postage cost, and Double the Names means more Sales for everyone so it’s still a Win/Win for everyone.
We take care of logistics of the mailing and handle your ad for you so after you send the brochure, it’s completely hands off for you. Of course, large companies (like us, and even much larger usually order quantities of 25,000 to 50,000 names at a time!).
Question: How Do I Know How How Much Money I’m Making?
ANSWER: Simply click on the tab that says “Sales Report” on your Brokers Home Page reader. This will show your earnings as well as traffic stats for all the websites you have with us.
Question: When Do I Get Paid?
ANSWER: All earnings from your Affiliate Broker business are paid out monthly by Company Check to the current address in your Profile (so please keep all that information updated).
Online sales are processed for you and the total profits are paid to you each month on the 15th.
If you’re using any of the available Offline advertising materials that’s available in your Affiliate Brokers Manual, you can either have the order sent to us or you can have the customer send their order and payment directly to you.
If you have the order sent directly to you, simply cash the customers payment, take out your profit of $40 per SHOP order, and immediately send us the balance with the order so we can fulfill it. This way, you get your money on a daily basis, and you’ll be making sales through the Mail just like the Company does using the exact same Sales Literature the Company uses.
Question: My Website Address is pretty long, is there a way I can shorten it?
ANSWER: You can reader, but it’s really not necessary. The address needs to be long to include all the information for proper tracking of your sales. However, all of your Free Advertising will have direct links so a customer won’t actually enter your Website address. Instead, they’ll simply click on the link and be taken directly to your website.